Why Your Business Needs an Access Control System

Access Control System for Business

If your business is still using physical keys or security guards for employee access, you create unnecessary security risks. Modern businesses of all sizes should use an access control system to protect their people, property, and improve workplace efficiency.

The right access control system increases your flexibility and increases ease of authorized access while making it harder for unauthorized personnel to enter secure areas.

Increase Employee Safety

We live in uncertain times. Employees need to feel secure at work. This means you need to control who is on your premises at all times. When your business relies on a key system, you never know who is in the building or when they arrived. 

An access control system not only limits who is inside the building, but you can also track whose card or pin was used to access which areas of the building. 

If security is ever compromised, you can disable a key card with the click of a button. If a physical key is ever lost or stolen, the entire building may need to be re-keyed by a locksmith. 

An access control system makes it easier to keep your employees safe, no matter what time of day they are working. 

Reduce Theft & Data Breaches

Thieves and hackers are like predators. They target the weakest first because that gives them the best chance of getting away undetected.

Most theft and data breaches are caused by employee carelessness. A door left open or an unsecured computer terminal can give a criminal all the opportunity they need to cause tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage in just a few moments.

Another significant theft risk is employee theft. 

When you invest in an access control system, you make it harder for outsiders to gain entrance to your building and systems. You never have to worry about someone forgetting to lock or secure a door. You also can track your employees. If there is a theft or an accident, you can hold people accountable for their actions. 

Your access control system allows you to audit employee movements and access. 

Maximize Your Control Over Your Premises

Not all of your employees need access to every part of your premises all of the time. With a physical key or security guard, you are limited in how you can control the movement of people in the building. 

However, with an access control system, you can easily customize the amount of access you give each employee. Your executives can have one set of access credentials, and your managers and mainline employees can have more limited sets of access credentials. 

An access control system also makes it easier for your employees to access the building at night or on weekends. This gives your team great flexibility to get their work done, without increasing security costs.  

Save Time and Money

Installing an access control system is not a cost—it’s an investment. Access control systems quickly pay for themselves.

When you have a robust access control system, you need fewer physical security guards, you do not need a physical key management infrastructure, and you make it easier for authorized employees to get their work done.

You also reduce incidents of theft and vandalism.

Investing in an access control system for your business will improve your company’s security and give you an edge over your competitors still using outdated security technology like keys and security guards. 

IP Integrators is an access control specialist.  Our design engineers will develop and integrate an access control system that will keep your business, property and patrons safe.  Contact us for a Free, No Obligation Security Assessment.

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